Thursday, March 31, 2005

Slp for almost the whole day today! Been going to sch the past few days. Yesterday went bugis with irene! Waited for her for 3hrs plus! Her exam was at 2pm yesterday! until 4. So i wait for her at coffee club till 4 plus, till sl come fetch me. Yesterday went for OOPG interview! Was so scare! Even slping, also dream of the interview. Dunno wat he will ask. Luckily, he only ask us two simple qn.! Hehe. =) Phew~ Then went for lunch at holland v at about 12. So, i have been in holland v from 12 till 4 plus! Diao~ All thankz to irene... But had a great time with her. I simply enjoys going out with her. We will always shop until dunno wat is the time. Firstly when we reach, we went to eat. Sl accompany her eat cos i had already eaten. After that, sl went off n irene n i set off to collect my tube. Then irene likes it too, so she bought 1 too! She bought the pink one n i have the blue one. =) Haha, then we went to took neoprints! Haha, spent $19 on neoprints! Haha. Oh ya, n we bought a new pair of rings! Haha, after so many yrs~! This is the link of the neoprints we took!
After finished taking photos, it is already 7.30! OMG, we didn't know sia~ Haha. So we faster took mrt home~ =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 6:25 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Fri! Good fri!!! Went out at nite with irene, thomas n raymond. Actually asl also wanna come, but ended up nv come. So i meet irene at 6.45 at tiong bahru mrt station.Then reach city hall mrt at about 7.10. Called thomas n he's still at suntec. Diao~ Haha, so we waited for them for a while. Just nice there is fashion show, n we stand there n watch loh. Then second batch of models r better. N one of them is v pretty! We went to the fc to eat, n thomas gave us $10 to buy food sia~ Wah! Surprise!! He say he wanna treat us! Haha, but i couldn't find anything that i feel like eating, so i suggested eating bk. n we really went there. Saw a flower shop n suggested thomas to buy flower for irene n me. Hehe. Then found out that he bought flower for his class girls! So irene n i starts to suan him, say we don't even have grass. Thomas treat us eat bk! N he bought lots of food man! 4 sets of meals n 2 boxes of cheese stick n nuggets each! Oh my! We really couldn't finish! Then irene wanna go toilet, so went loh. Then when we came out, thomas n ray was talking. Later that i know that actually they wanna buy flower for us. Oh ya, thomas changed his looks!!! *Stun!!! After dinner, we still had lots of time, so went to pan pac hotel, my sis's friend laura wedding dinner is over there. So went over to congrate. After that we took a bus down to clarke quay. n off we go to forbidden city, indo chine. The person outside ask ray how old r u? Then he say or rather how young r u? Then ray pause for a while then he say 18. Diao~ But luckily he let us in. =) Sit down in there n chit chat. Sze li came too! Then we started to play truth or dare. Haha, they dare me to say hi to the person loh. Then i really say lah, say le, he don't let go of my hand still pull my hand over. Diao~ then ask me wats my name. Then another dare is to go n sit at the other table for 2 mins. N the manage came over n ask me want a drink. Then he chit chat with me. Haha. Then at 1 plus we went off le. But we had a lot of fun while playing truth or dare! Haha, secret! Cannot say. =P Then we walk over to boat quay n off we go for supper. Drop ray first n we went opposite beauty world to have supper. The stupid person nv serve us our prata! Waited for 1/2hr loh! Decided not to wait le n we go off. Drop thomas le then drop me. Woo~ Reach hm at dunno wat time sia~ 3 plus, i think. Luckily have sze li to send us home. Thankz! =)

Today went to watch movie, miss the first part, the show ok loh. Then nothing much le, today quite bored. Went home for dinner, cos jing2 bday. After dinner, eat the bday cake. Eee.... I don't like. Wanted to go for second movie, but nv. Cos yesterday so late then go home... Took lots of photos with cavell today. Hehe. =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:22 AM

Friday, March 25, 2005

Today is the dateline for the oopg n iwgd assignments. I wake up early today to do iwgd. Never go for lesson today. N guess wat, jac called n say oopg is postoned to monday. So i rush my iwgd loh. Then go to sch at 12 plus. Then rush my project at sch again. N guess wat again, it is postponed to monday also. OMG!!! This few days all of us slp late n wake up early loh! Oh My!!! But anyway i decided to pass up my iwgd. We were too busy our stuff that we forgot hk is waiting for us!!! HAha, so sorry leh. Let u waited for an hour! Oh my, then we went heeren to sch. n hk bought fourskin pants, sp bought the shirt. I wanna buy shirt also, but no $$. Then raymond came, n off we go to far east. Saw gavin at level 4, and say hi. We bought a shirt for thomas. Then raymond go off le, n we went to basement! Stupid, see the bag i wanted to buy again! Argh! Then i saw li'e!!! Hehe, so long nv see her le! Then chit chat with her for a while. Oh ya, morning saw fuh cheng n chu meng! After far east, we went pac plaza! n i saw my roxy shirt!! Oh my! Then we went back to far east again, cos sp wanna buy afterlife shirt... Diao~ She wants to buy the fourskin shirt, but no size. So sad n too bad! Hehe. So she got the afterlife shirt. Then i head down to swensen le!!! Winnie n von is waiting for me! Hehe. =) We had our dinner! I ordered baked rice but dunno y, it taste horrible. It is so salty. Or is it becos u r not with me... Last time the baked rice taste so nice. Although winnie is eating fish n chips. Just like last time, we ordered baked rice n fish n chips to share. But my baked rice really taste horrible... Then after dinner, i accompany winnie n von to take cab. Then the hotel person keep looking at me... Diao~ So i go off first... To go find jac n company. =) As usual, jac is playing time crisis II. Then we went to play the hit here n there one. We were so hyper that sp's thumb drive n the file cover down inside! N it is gone! Oh my, our java is inside. I think she's damn worried. So we went to play datona(dunno how to spell, mind not functioning). Then play for 2 times, her thumb still can't be found! So the person ask her to leave her contact. N it is 11 plus le! So went to cheers to get a drink! We were so crazy when we play that everyone r looking at us! N ya, today i played the soccer game! First time play! So fun! Thankz to jac for intro me to this game. Wahaha. =P After we got our drink, we siao siao again. Due to lack of slp for this few days loh. We have 7 projects loh!!! Crazy one! Then all pass up together, one after another. OMG! I laugh until i can't stand straight! So i ask jac to take cab. N when i was playing, i scream a lot man! Scream until no voice! Wahaha. Then we play at the arcade as if it belongs to us n nobody is there! Wahaha, but actually we were so long that everyone is looking at us. N we played as if it is damn fun until other visitors also wants to play! Wahaha. =) Ok, i got to go. Bathe then go EP(aunt house). Can sleep with my darling cavell le! Hehe.

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:16 AM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Today feed cavell drink milk at 8 plus, then saw bee kheng's sms. Saying the time is change to 11.30, so i decided to slp a while more. Ended up slping till 10.30!!! OMG, i'm suppose to meet her at 11! So i took a cab there. Went SP for lunch. Then chit chat with mr tan till 1 plus, then saw mr eric there too. After lunch, came home to wait for sp n jac to come. Sp wants me to go fetch her, so go fetch her loh. Then she wanna buy mac, and i saw him there.... So coincident.... We nv met each other b4 loh, i mean other then those plan one. We nv met each other b4 loh.... OMG... Then came back home to do project. Fae came today. At nite, went out with jac n hk. Went back robinson to see ernie they all. Then went cine to find the two of them. Walk to heeren, n jac bought a shirt. Then off we go to afterlife again, n hk bought a shirt. Then wanted to go bq but that jac wanna go cine play arcade... At cine, saw jimmy, so chatted with him for a while. Saw luke also, didn't know he's damn gd in time crisis! So ended up not going bq. Then we went cuppage again.... Sian... Haha, wanted to drink mah... Then play cards n come home....

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:39 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Woo~ First time i stay at home on fri nite sia~ After my yoga i nv go out leh! Ok, start with today morning! Woke up at 8.35 today! And my lesson is at 8!!! OMG! My cousin ask me wat time is my lesson, then i told her is 9pm! Haha. So left home at 9, then nv go for java lesson, went for practical. Today also need to pass up NETF project. After java lesson, had lunch in sch with jac, sp n fatin. Waiting for ro to finish lesson to go town! Sp wanted to go but forgot to bring $$. Wanted to go dance camp, but ended up nv go. Cos lay yuen, JC, Estella n mui leng 3pm then go! 3pm, i still in town. Then 6pm have yoga, so decided not to go le. Walked around at far east pac plaza n went wisma coffee club for mud pie! After that, went back to afterlife! Ben joined us for shopping today! Brought him to afterlife n fourskin shop today! He bought 1 fourskin shirt n a pair of ripcurl slipper! Haha, think he also wanted to get afterlife shirt! Haha. Oh ya! Jac got her customized shirt! I didn't really have a look at her shirt! Cos i rush off for my yoga lesson! =) Nvm, can see it when she wears it! Today the yoga instructor ask me to stand in front sia~ Haha, he took a few shots of photos today leh! Haha. =)

For u: Cheer up k! I know it's hard! But we got to try! Hope u r feeling better! Like to see the happy U! Don't think too much! n i'm always here for u! =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:23 AM

Monday, March 14, 2005

It's been a long while since i really blog! Been super busy recently. Cousin getting married, cousin gave birth, went make over & rushing projects! Really tiring! As usual, went chill on every fri & sat, with the same gang of friends. Jac, Ro, Jolynn, Charlene, HK all those. Sat, went to IT fair, saw Jerren working over there! Then saw ping hui, royston and 1 more person if i'm not wrong. But couldn't remeber.

My cousin gave birth to a baby boy last thursday! V heavy, heavier than cavan. The new baby's name is Cavell! Now he's crying! I go take a look at him first! BRB!!!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 6:59 PM

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MDIS (Hospitality)


Fossil watch
Have lots of $$
Get my degree!
DS Lite (Pink)
Sony Camera
LV Wallet(White glossy surface)

~bee kheng~
~Wan Ting~
~S0k Peng~

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