Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 of my friends r gg for holiday le! Ting gg bkk tmr n jac gg australia on thurs!!! So gd rite!
Yi lu shun feng my friends! =)

yst met up with thomas, n he came over my hse for dinner~ cos mum, dad n aunt nt around. So i decided to have something different for dinner and thomas ask me out. So might as well just ask him over. LOL.

Dinner for yst was spag, mashed potato n mushroom soup. spag, can choose the sauce n ingredients u want! Wahaha. Like those hotel buffet style. Choice of sauce have cream sauce, tomato sauce n olive, garlic. Choice of ingredients have, seafood, mushroom n black pepper chicken! Wahaha!!! We still have desserts, which is those ice-cream man's ice cream. E food was all finished! My whole pot of mushroom soup finished in no time, i didn't managed to drink too~ Must be due to howard's teaching! Haha, he ask me to add extra ingredient to the soup! Wahaha! So i guess food for yst was nt bad? :P

Went down to HTHT till 12 plus then he left. Nice catching up, hope to catch up with irene n ray soon too~ yst thomas n i wanted to meet up with them after dinner de. But ray nt free...

3 assignments to be handed in on 5th may~ So this week got to do 3 assignments~ -_-" gonna faint...

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 11:25 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Now i know who i can count on n who i CANNOT count on! Simple stuff, cannot do le, i'm really disappointed with u 2~ REALLY! I haven't got ANGRY, u dare to be angry first! WTH!!!


yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:50 AM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saw ray's blog n felt happy for him cos he won! Was feeling happy, cos when i see e photo, it reminds me of thomas n i supporting him all the way during e "makeover". Though was feeling tired that day, i turn up to meet him. =) My handsome buddy~ Meet up SOON!!!

*I miss all the gd times when we r tgt!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:21 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

ok, more or less, the new template is done! All thankz to my dear angeline!!! I love u, dearie! =) Now i know y my pic small le, is bigger now~ :P
E size i'm using now~

The old size that i have been using. LOL

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:15 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Woo hoo~ New blog skin!!! Wahaha! But give me some time to make some amendments. =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 7:49 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Went Bar Stop last sat~ It's somewhere killiney there. Went there to chill with some of my uni friends. We all quite like e place n we like e singer, lol. Cos we sort of like keep interacting with her~ Didn't drink much, cos dun feel like drinking. But e rest drank quite a bit, lol. They drank red wine, white wine n beer~ -_-" lol.

Went to sch in the afternoon to hand in assignments and went jack's place for lunch. Didn't really like their "set lunch"... After lunch, went over to tampanies' new shopping centre~ Check out the Uniqlo (dunno correct spelling a nt), but nothing i like leh, so we walk around a while more n left for town~ Went for pastamania before catching fast n furious 4~ The show is nt bad, but i had a hard time trying to keep awake... Not becos e show is nt nice, but i was slpy!!! Now my body clock is opposite!!! Nite time awake, day time feel like zzZ...

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 5:06 PM

sorry for not updating~ cos i was really busy last week~ Had 4 assignments n a test done last week~ u can imagine how busy i was, doing e assignments n test~ This week can rest a bit, cos e next assignment will be due on mon~ =)

Anyway, i had a good weekend, although got a small ... , but overall i feel it's great! I love the weekend that i had. Watched 2 movie last week, handsome suit n fast n furious 4. =) Nice, i love both. But i think i prefer comedy~ Cos i can laugh all the way.

a few photos that i like, but lazy to edit~ =P

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:00 AM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Went Ben Ten Cafe with willie, jac n zc last sun. Willie wants to check it out the new shopping centre;iluma at Bugis~ So we went there for a walk n had dinner. Wanted to go Fish n Co., but was attracted to BenTen Cafe when we saw it crowded with ppl. Take a look at their menu n feel that it looks nt bad. So we decided to dine there. Food was nt bad i feel, i like e honey - glazed chicken that zc n willie had! The texture is just nice n it tasted yummy with the honey.

N oh ya, they have giant cup ice-cream! Something like earthquake~ But it looks more attractive than earthquake! LOL. We ordered a cup n we finished it in just a while! There's pudding, waffle stick, cereal, n lots of fruits in the cup of ice-cream! =)

Go try it if u happened to be there!

*my photoscape skill has improved! Wahaha.

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 8:16 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

was teaching my friends how to use photoscape. N we came out with this output. haha. *ck, my friends were commenting that u look gd in specs!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 7:36 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

Prawning session on mon~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:37 AM

Today woke up early to go for Final Theory Lesson~ Mine lesson at 9.50~ But it's at BBDC!!! Travelling time is already 1hr~ Plus time for me to prepare; 1hr~ So 2hrs~ So 7.50 i wake up le... Slpt at 3 i think.

So tired loh, but wanna meet mr koon, so i drag myself up... Had lesson and oh gosh, got lots of things i dunno during lesson sia... Think cos i haven't go for practical. Some other ppl knows, some dunno too~ So had lesson till 11.30 n wait for the pig to call me... Cos he 12 then can book out. So while waiting, i went to apply PDL~ just to kill time. LOL. waited till 12.05, gave him a call, no ans~ So sent a msg over, n he called back.

Decided not to wait for my queue no. le, since i just wait for fun nia. Took train over to boon lay to meet him loh! See how gd i'm to him. wahaha. By the time i met him is like 1pm le sia. Fast sia. Was feeling slpy loh, n he, feeling hungry. LOL.

he passed his IPPT n got a silver, pretty good already. But i know he wants a gold and i feel he can do it, but standing board jump seems like a obstacle which he cannot conquer. Try harder! =)

Ate subway and we parted. headed back hm... Reached hm, slack a while n i zzZ... haha, too tired. :p

Pic Taken at Rebel~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:26 AM


To Do List~

14th Apr - SWOT(grp) for marketing
17th Apr - Marketing assignment
18th Apr - SOY assignment x2
20th Apr - Com assignment ~

Total 5 assignments!!! To be completed by next week~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:19 AM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Today is a good day! I love it! Cos i PASSED my BTT!!! & i won MJ!!! Wahaha! Super happy! Woo Hoo~ 7th April 09!!!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 11:57 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009

was supposed to have mj session today~ but mark couldn't make it n so we cancel it. Planned to just stay hm e whole day cos it's leticia's bday celebration at nite. Then tim sms-ed n we went out for lunch. After that, went suntec for a drink at Swensen.

When we just reached suntec, willie called n asked if i wanna catch Shinjuku Incident? Agreed to it and we catch the show with jac jac n chuan chuan. Been a long time since i saw them man! Really. After e movie, went Five Star to eat chicken rice~ Going out with chuan chuan, he nv fails to bring laughter to the group! He did a funny expression and made jac n i laughed! =) Willie left early cos he need to book in... we left shortly after too.

Reached hm n all was still hm, i thought they would have left. Wanted to rush hm to join in e cake cutting session, but when e movie ended, it was already 9. So was thinking, they might have cut the cake already. Anyway, Happy 2nd Bday to my niece: Leticia. =) She's a pretty girl!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:59 AM

Friday, April 03, 2009

it's weekend again~ So fast, it's fri! I'm having study week next week! Woo Hoo~ But it's nt v gd too, cos i have got 3 assignments to hand in when i'm back in sch~

Gonna catch a show later! Confessions Of A Shopaholic! Was supposed to catch it with e rest of the class but i was sick, so didn't join them them. Just nice wilson wanna catch movie too, n so he's catching it with me later! =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 7:32 PM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

MDIS (Hospitality)


Fossil watch
Have lots of $$
Get my degree!
DS Lite (Pink)
Sony Camera
LV Wallet(White glossy surface)

~bee kheng~
~Wan Ting~
~S0k Peng~

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