Wednesday, May 31, 2006

it's ck's bday now~ just finished bathing. went over to his house just now with willie, glenn, guo feng, wan ting n alvin to wait for ck to come back. cos we r giving him a surprise~ so we a bought a cake n went to wait at his house~ waited for so long then he come back~ he 10pm then reach home n we reach at 7.... when he saw us, he was v stunned! n surprise. n he keep saying pai seh~

wanted to blog yesterday, but was v tired lah... just now saw glen at chinatown mrt station, so coincident. n ya, this few days i keep seeing ppl. sat, i saw glenn, sun i saw zhe loon, mon i saw darren! n today glen. different glen...

this week gonna be a busy week... n i haven't do my assignment!!! gonna pass up on fri... got to do till late in the nite le. bye, gotta start doing now!!!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 1:08 AM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

this few days is rather boring~ fri wanted to meet koon hao but nv. so went to taka a while with cavan n my cousin aunt uncle.... then go home n slack le, nothing to do. then do project at nite till 3am... guess wat... 8 plus in the morning i wake up le~ go eat breakfast with cavan n my cousin they all... then went home to rest... at nite went to buy cavan presents. cos kor n sis haven't buy. so we went to suntec. n they bought toys for cavan. for me, i bought it last week le~ haha. share it with royston. wanted to watch movie with ray yesterday de, but in the end nv. cos he feel like watching but he's rather tired... so i asked him to think whether he wanna watch a not, cos is he ask me wanna watch a not de, so whether i watch a not, also nv mind. then while thinking, we received thomas msg asking wanna watch movie on sun a not. haha, so we decided to watch it today together... but ray nv come for movie today~ =(

today wake up early to help decorate the room for cavan. he got a mac celebration! we asked the mac ppl to come n order buffet. n he got a super nice cake! thomas n friend de, shall upload it later~ so he invited his friends over today. party ended around 3 plus n i went to meet thomas after that. we watched x-men just now! the show was nice, but i was too tired! my eyes keep closing n i got to try hard to make it open! OMG! sorry ar thomas, i'm really tired.... been waking up early n slping late~ but anyway, i nv fall asleep, but i keep changing my sitting position, haha. wanted to ask him watch da vinci codes de, cos ray wanna watch x-men too~ but thomas's gonna watch it with his friend, so we just watch x-men. after movie, went to have porridge n go home le. tired, gonna slp le. nite~

-lights off-

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 11:10 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

a few days nv blog le sia~ k, let me update~ basically, did nothing much this few days~ was busying thinking about my brownies~ just now went to may's house to bake brownies too~ cornflake brownies~ anyway, may n i had decided to take part in the flea market, n we will be selling brownies~ flavours, we r still thinking about it! but confirm flavour will be oreo brownies, chocolate chips n maybe cornflakes. ppl, pls give me ur support! hee, come n help me buy on 30 jun at fc6! i know it's still a month later. for those who wants the whole brownies, can call me n tell me wat flavour u want! n we will make it specially for u~ haha.

mon, went to make contact lens with koon hao~ finally he decided to change to contact! n he can collect it tmr le! =)

yesterday li song, hendri n company went to watch X-men! asked me along, but i don't want. they called me again at 6 plus, to ask me to go down, but still i nv go... sorry guys~ next time bah! =)

a few more days will be cavan's bday celebration le~ looking forward!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 7:43 PM

Monday, May 22, 2006

uploaded those photos we took at billy bombers~

soup of the day: corn....

~main course~

oreo milkshake! Yummy!

Our dessert~ ben & jerry's ice-cream~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 3:30 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

just went to have my fav. tom yum~ now, my stomach is burning again...~ haha, but nvm. today's tom yum is so spicy~ OMG!!! even jac n i cannot take it leh! woo~

been working this 3 days~ fri, sat n sun! earned 82.50 for three days~ actually quite easy job leh, give out flyers. fri starts work at 7, n it should ends at 10. but i finished everything at 9.15, so i go home earlier~ hee.

sat, starts at 2, suppose to end at 6. but i finished at 4! hehe. so went home first before meeting ray at bugis~ went to have billy bombers with ray~ he had burger, n i had honey chicken. n we ordered a milkshake to share~ woo~ the oreo milkshake is -thumbs up-!!! jacilyn's recommendation is gd! n our dessert is ben n jerry's ice-cream~ OMG, such a delicious dinner! after dinner, went to walk around to search for cavan's present. saw lots n lots of thomas n friends toys over there. but dunno which one to buy n wanna ask roy for his budget, but couldn't find him. so decided to buy it another day. so we went over to bugis street to have our avocado drink~ but the avocado drink is not as gd as the first time we drink~ n saw my hp got 2 miss call, from kai n hao. asking me to go mos! feel like going, but cannot leh. still with ray n next day gonna work~ so i nv go. ray took the same bus home with me, then took 186 home. he looks so tired loh. cos fri, he had a tiring day~

sun, today! started work at 11, so got to wake up at 9 to prepare for work. i'm working at tampines n travelling time takes up 45mins le~ today, my flyers v fast give out all le! i started giving like at 12 n finished everything at 1245! woo~ i only took 45 mins~ ended so early, so bo bian got to wait for chee wai to come, cos he's coming to find me. we went to orchard to buy cavan's present. finally found roy n asked his budget! so went to ps to find choon poh. n yea! got cavan's present le! thomas n friends~ at nite, meet jac, zc n willie for dinner~ tom yum~ yum yum. but v spicy! had a gd laugh just now, seeing willie's expression after he ate my tom yum, n zc's stone n blur look while having tom yum~ n the 2 of them will scratch their heads when the food is spicy, haha. funny!!!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 11:12 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

yea! went to habourfront for my tom yum just now!!! met jac in sch first, then we went to tbp to get something n she accompany me home to get qiyuan's present. n off we go to habourfront~ qiyuan was late, haha. no lah, actually he's not late. cos we didn't really say meet wat time. just says like meet him after work n he ends at 5.30. after having tom yum, went down to suntec. then jac went to find kh,wk n lf. so qy, zc n me r together. haha, subsidise qiyuan half price for his ice-cream! hee. i told him the ice-cream like not as nice as last time! then he said cos last time he treat me eat, so is nicer.... ........ not true... n u know wat, the purpose of meeting him is to pass him the present n yet. the present is still with me now~ he forgot to take it from me before boarding the bus~ today actually jac nv join qiyuan n me for dinner de. the tom yum was burning in my stomach just now!!! haha, n yesterday i complain i du zi tong~ i still dare to eat sia~

haha, someone's gonna bring me to eat tom yum~ haha, better remember!!! another tom yum place for me!

n someone's gonna accompany me to work, don't say say only hor! haha.

was looking at the earring i saw online, i likes it at the v first sight! asked kor to help me buy, hee. anyway, he's gonna get 1 for his gf too~

gonna go slp le, tmr still have to work at nite.

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:45 AM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

yea, went to make brownies today at may's house~! woo~ made 2 brownies! yum yum, so nice~ was so sleepy sia, fell asleep while waiting for it to finish baking. so i took a nap at may's sofa~ bought back 1 of the brownies n 1 is for michelle n angeline~ you kou fu le~ =) hehe.

today got ELIT lesson, n mr poh knows my name le~ haha, he asked me to answer a qn., then he was like eileen, come answer this qn.! then he says, see, i can even remember ur name without looking at the paper! diao~ haha.

there's something i wanted to blog on mon, but nv blog. clarence ar clarence, few months nv see u, u changed so much sia. u really need some brainwashing! -wash wash- was saying he wanna teach me binary, the 1 n 0. ..... OMG~!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 8:08 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

as usual, now i'm in mprg prac lesson again... still got an hr to go... i hate tues~ the longest hrs of time spent in sch is tues~ saw someone in the morning while going down the escalator, n he's going up the escalator! but he didn't see me. still say i blur, u also blur loh! so gave him a call, but nv pick up. skin too thick le lah, say i cannot feel the vibration, u also! haha. anyway, i saw him after my lesson again n after i accompany my friends to the atm, when we walked back, saw him again.! Thrice!

May made brownies for me! so yummy! yum yum~ tmr going to her house to make brownies again. gonna practice! just finished bickering with zacf, haha. long time nv bicker with him le! n he's wearing the shirt i bought for him today~ haha, was complaining to xp n wj that he treats me v bad now. n xp agrees! haha. so told him about it, n he was like "got meh, got meh~". =) yea, lesson gonna finished soon, in a while~

today went to fc1 to have lunch! first time going to fc1, n the chicken chop is really nice! n saw a handsome guy over there too~ who looks like zai zai! n i saw san dong at fc1! =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 5:04 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

it's mothers day today. later going out for dinner at my aunt's zu cha. just came back from tbp. went to meet thomas just now. wake up early n went for eyebrows trimming at orchard. after that went to habourfront to have lunch n drinks. so long nv meet thomas le, so have a chat with him. came back early, cos later he have to book in le, n let him have some time to spend with his mum. =) n ya, i finally ate my tom yum noodle~ woo~ it's so tasty!

haven't been blogging for a few days... cos i'm rather tired... this week is a rather long weekend sia~

fri~ went town with koon hao n wen kai to chill. but i was late for 1.5hrs~ i'm so sorry!!! walked around with them for a while n jac n zc came. then they left after a while to go n buy tickets~ so we went to cine to play arcade~ woo~ fun, i v long nv play the soccer game le. last time is jacilyn teach me how to play de. =) how i miss the days~ around evening, i left le. cos i got bbq session at west coast. my cousin house.

sat~ actually meeting thomas in the afternoon one, but he last min got to go his grandpa's house. so bo bian lah, ask him to go, n meet him on sun instead. went out at 4 plus 5 to meet willie, ck they all. cos we r watching 9.30 poseidon at The cathay~ walked around far east with them till 7 plus, then joseph came. then we had dinner at wisma fc. the show is v nice! see how they escape from the cruise. =) nice show~ saw shavinn too n chatted with him n mian. fri, went to afterlife to find them too.

got something i find it v funny, but i dunno if u will find it funny. willie was asking me where am i going tmr. then i say i'm going to pluck my eyebrows. then he says: after that go n do manicure n pedicure ar? i just find it funny. the way he said it. as if i'm really enjoying life. leading a tai tai like that. hee. if i can, i also hope i can live tai tai life. haha.


yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 4:55 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

went to m1 shop just now. cos my hp will auto shut down n auto restart~ hee. so sis asked me faster go back, before 1 week, maybe they will give me a new hp. so i quickly went to m1 shop today. in the m1 shop, saw this staff which is quite gd looking while waiting for my turn. but i know i won't get to be served by him, cos he's at the shop counter n i'm que-ing for customer service side. soon after is my turn, told the person those problem my hp had. n she took another que no. for me. this new no. is for me to change my hp one. n she changed a 3G sim card for me. =) n ya, i changed my plan to student plan le~ yea yea, can call me any time of the day le~ but not during my slp pls. hee. so after i left this counter, i went back to the seats again. n i was wondering it i will get to be served by him. so i looked at his counter, he's still serving customer. then my no. rang, n i see the counter no.! no. 2, i looked at counter 2, woo~ can't believe i was served by him! hee. but close look, he's not handsome~ from far is better. =) hehe. anyway, i'm gonna get a new one. i have to go down either on thurs or fri. he gave me a namecard, telling me i need not que again when i go there. yea! n he told me he's not working on fri, cos he asked me when will i be going down, then i say prob fri.

told ray that i don't feel like going sch tmr... n he asked me to go n asked if is sch that boring for me this week. haha, n i just dunno y. this week no mood to go sch. have to drag myself there, except for today lah! haha. n tmr have to take temp loh! so lame! i don't even know where i put my thermometer sia... n ray says he can lend me his! ask me to go tekong n take....

maybe recently too many holidays le, so make me no mood to go sch. fri is a public holiday again! yea yea! =) dunno wat to write le, today just feel like saying about the m1 staff thing only....

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:42 AM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today feel like blogging, but dunno wat to blog... today i'm late for lesson! cos i wake up late~ couldn't hear my alarm ringing! cos i put cavan's voice~ n yesterday when i just fall aslp, my hp rang... it's ray loh. so late. 12 plus le leh. then after his sms, still got other ppl's sms. but i just go to sch~ cos i don't wanna miss dsal prac... 8-10.30.... then on my way to mrt station, chris called. n i walked back to fc to find him. then chit chat for an hr before going home. went home to visit the gym n steam room~ woo~ shiok, but after that, i was so sleepy le... i was dragging my feet to sch... so tired n sleepy... had elsa prac n i feel like going home to slp instead sia. but i still went for mprg prac... BORED!!! n my com hang n got to restart n the program got problem! woo~ sian... finally lesson ended n i quickly rush home. hee.

TUES ; ~Prac day~

WED; my FAV day! haha. =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:32 AM

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

it's starting of a new week~ n it has come to week 4 le! oh my, so fast!!! 1 month of sch le!!!! anyway, ray lost his hp, i'm not sure if i have said that. n he got it replaced before he went in army...

yesterday nite i was trying to send sms to jac, but can't send out. then i realise that cos my hp has got no reception! then i was thinking nvm, send tmr. when i wake up in the morning, i wanna send the sms, n again, i can't send it! no reception yet! so i off my hp n on again. n after 2 mins, my sms tone keep ringing... then i received like 8 msgs one by one. diao sia~ i was still thinking y ray nv msg me in the nite yesterday. cos normally he does, like on his way to camp n before he slps. n so, he did msg me. n i received both in the morning... boo~ m1, wats wrong with u? or 6280 wats wrong with u~

n ya, angeline, may n jolan thought ray's my bf. cos they wanna see my new hp, n the wallpaper is the bubbly pic of ray n me. n they don't believe we r best friends! cos they say my blog got his photo, my friendster got his photo n hp also... just buy hp, no photo mah, so put that first loh. if u ask those who knows me n ray, they will know we r just v gd friends! really!

just now, recorded cavan's voice as alarm tone. but it's so soft, i doubt i can wake up sia. i asked him to say "Yi Yi, wake up~ Yi Yi, wake up." that is wat he normally do when we stay over at my aunt's house~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:03 AM

Monday, May 08, 2006

yea! got my hp le~ finally! nokia 6280~ went to buy my hp on sat. in the afternoon, went to marina sq to have lunch with my cousin, aunt, sis, kor, his gf, cavan n cavell at cafe cartel. then walked around n saw jian yang n xueyi n yiyang n qiu ling. then went to bugis to meet ray. before i went, koon hao called n asked me wanna go out a not. then i told him i was at marina, then he says he wanna come over, but i'm going over to bugis. so he said ok. so i met ray first. poor him, his hand is full of mosquito's bites. n the neck also v jai lat! poor thing! 1 week can't bathe! went to m1 shop to takr que no., but m1 shop is so crowded loh! then the person told me i must wait 3hrs. asked me to go n have a dinner or catch a show! OMG! i was thinking if hp r free! how come so many ppl! then i went out n see, n saw my hp having promotion! $298!!! actual price is $388! woo~ then i still have $100 voucher! so my hp is only $198! woo~ n guess wat! student plan is only $13 per month! it's actually $25 per month! yesterday is really my lucky day n ray's my lucky star!!! =) wanted to buy the hp 2 weeks ago one, luckily nv! =) hehe. n so, while waiting, koon hao came. n we went to see present for his mum. n he got him a wallet! =) from wallet shop. hope ur mum will like it! then went back to see if it's my turn, but not my turn yet... then ray says he's hungry n off we go to find food. they 2 of them went to have kfc n ray visit jun nan. after the food, went back to check it's my turn... yea, soon. few more! anyway, waited till 7.40 then it's mine turn... from 5.13 to 7.40.... woo~ after buying, walked to esplanade with hao to slack there! n we bought along our vodka! yea! haha. n ya, he made me worry, cos he suddenly sqad down n he's head is v pain or dunno wat. he also dunno how to say. so i also dunno how to say. after quite a while, then he's better. n his face is quite pale leh, scared me! =) went home at 10 plus cos he gonna wake up early for soccer... when i reached home, was super tired. so i just slp without blogging. hee.

today the first thing i do when i wake up is to play with my hp! haha. then went to IMM with sis~ cos she wanna go do the sole thing... then shoped there till evening time then daddy come fetch us. bought a pair of slipper today. n when i reached home, i realise that my cousin n his wife bought the same hp as me! haha. now the four of us using the same hp, same colour! haha. so the three of us was playing with out hp n asking the one who got the hp first to send us songs. hee. today wanted to go out with jac, zc n willie for dinner one. but willie yesterday then know today he got to attend wedding... so cancel loh. =P got to wait for another time for my tom yum again... sob~ anyway, in the afternoon, had my la mian at tbp. hehe. took the 2 chillis one again! =)

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:14 AM

Friday, May 05, 2006

yea, thurs le! woo~ started lesson at 10, n got 2hrs break. n i poke my finger into the pencil. so pain~ ouch~ k, let me tell u the story... bao feng was teasing me n hendri too. then i wanna beat bao feng, n guess wat. bao feng was holding the pencil, n it poke into my finger. so pain! now got a black dot there le... sob~ k, enough of that. went to watch movie with my yr1 poly classmates. got 8 turn up, but better than nothing. watch mi3! woo~ it's nice! u should really really watch it! it's so kan chiong when u watched! today, bf, ls, me, wc, hendri, yh, roger, jolan, wb n me went to suntec to catch that show~ after the show, went to kfc n had our dinner. li siao yh, all the way in kfc, cos now he's working for kfc( his attachment company). haha. then come back after dinner le~ fun, so long nv go out with this group of friends le! n now, it's royston's bday! tmr, i'm gonna get cavan to wish him happy bday! =) n it's fri le!!! yea yea!

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:08 AM

Thursday, May 04, 2006

n ya, irene asked me about the dance stuff n i went to see the dance studio's website n got me missing dancing again! v long nv go for dance lesson le! really feel like going for a dance! especially when i just watch take the lead yesterday! oh my, i miss shaking my body. haha. groove~ groove~

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:30 AM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

woo~ it's wed le!!! yea! today started my lesson at 8, it's wed, my fav. day, remember? haha. just now in elit tutorial, mr poh asked us if we knows about other courts, i said family court, then he was like, yes, correct. then he explain n explain, then he asked again. still have wat court, then i say jurvenila court, then his eyes became real big n says wah! i'm impressed! haha, then he was looking at the pic of paper which all lecturer has. the pic of paper that has our name n pic on... then he looked at me, u r eileen rite? i say ya. then he was like, how come u knows so many court? haha, then he says i'm too young to have experience so many court, or dunno wat lah. damn lame lah, haha. not surprisingly that i knows mah. haha. then still have 1 more court, then my friends were like looking at me, waiting for me to say the third one. but i dunno le. then when he says the third court, i knows about that too~ just now i didn't know it's part of the magistrate court! haha. the third one is small claim tribu something one.

ended lesson at 12 n went to city hall to meet my cousin, aunts n cat for lunch. while my cousin is trying clothes, i went to find kelvin loh. find him chit chat for a while. haha. then off i go for my lunch le! had lunch at cafe cartel. then waited for mummy to come. n when she came, we went shopping! went to lee hwa jewellery n saw this heart necklaces that i really likes! n mummy says she wanna buy for me! haha, but i said no, don't wanna waste $$, cos i wanna buy hp. then went to see heels n i bought a pair of white heels n a black cadigan. hehe. =) after shopping, went to visit baby adison~ he's recovering le, after he drank finished his milk, my cousin was asking me to carry adison. so i did, then when i carry, my cousin was saying, wah, shou suan. haha, cos adison took quite a while to drink milk plus eat medicine. so ya... was carrying him n talking to him. n lastly pat him to slp! haha. my cousin was saying when u put down, he will wake up le. haha, so i carry a while longer, to make sure he's deep in slp before i put him down. was super sleepy before i carried him, but when i carried him, i was super awake! haha. k, n ya, i put him down n he nv wake up. haha, see, i got skills k? haha. cavell also i looked after one loh, when he just born! then my cousin was saying gd job gd job, tmr come earlier! haha. to help her pat adison to slp~ hee. =P babies r just so cute! adison got huge eyes! just now he opened his eyes n was looking here n there! =) he might be able to go home tmr le! gd for him! yea!

wanted to go steam one, but nv go, cos i was watching tv, n my aunt wants to go. haha, tmr or fri bah! =)

today's quite a gd day!!! impressed the lecturer, bought 2 things n pat adison to slp! yea! haha. if i buy the necklace just now, think i will be even happier now! =)

most importantly: zhi zu chang le.

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 11:53 PM

lessson ended 15 mins earlier. while walking down the stairs, chris called me. was so stunned to see him! haha, cos he always nv come sch one. haha, morning prac he also nv come. so chit chat all the way with him to mrt station, then i went home n he went to afterlife. his friend got in the superband. =) went home n aunt asked me to go downstair to steam, n i agreed. so we went down at around 8. woo~ today the 4 of us went down. after steaming, went to redhill for dessert. hmm... today blog quite a lot, i go zzZ le... nitz. n ya, it's glen bday! over le, cos after midnite le.

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 12:06 AM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

super sian... she talks so softly loh... n so boring. just couldn't get my attention... this lesson will only ends at 6 loh... omg... feeling quite sleepy now... cos can't really get to slp at nite, cos in the afternoon i took a nap n slp till 7 then wake up... today lesson at 8... then in the middle got 4hrs break, so went to watch take the lead with my kor at ps... the show is nice! n the show started only at 11.30 sia! so long lah, got to wait 20 mins before the show starts... we finished half of the popcorn le loh! omg... then after the show, went to have my lunch. saw choon poh on the way down to basement n asked him to join us for lunch! had kfc n kana suan by the 2 of them! haha, but poor choon poh kana beat by me! haha, too long nv see him le mah. then he says he wanna complain to my mama. then i say go loh. haha, i says i know ur mama also loh. hehe. who scare who. hee. after eating, came back to sch. kor accompany me to raffles places mrt before he went home. then off i go to sch again... had linux lesson just now n really feel like slping loh! then end of lesson, jolan let me eat the tou sa pian that she bought from malaysia n woo~ awake le. it's so nice! n out of the classroom, momo called me. n i went up to find them n sp says she wanna give me a present! n i said, don't bluff, rubbish rite? haha, n guess wat! she gave me chocolate! haha! ate the chocolate n i was super awake le. but now, i'm sitting here for 45mins listening to her till i wanna zzZ... again. hai~ MPRG is boring~ nothing to say le...

oh ya, tmr is wed again! n i haven't form my ELIT project group n we have to pass up part 1 of the project on week 4!!! argh! think we will form tmr bah, during ELIT tutorial. =)

n ya, forgot to say something. she's repeating wat she taught us last week! n she dunno. she said she forgotten where she had stop... blur....

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 4:33 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006

so fast sia~! time really flies! it's may le, n it's the starting of my week 3 le. n so this sat i will see ray le! i think this week will pass v fast! cos i'm going to watch 2 shows this week! yea! was working on sat n sun. on 13, i'm going to work again. yesterday after work, wanted to go out, but nv. today went to novena sq for lunch n bring cavan to toys r us. then come back le. did nothing much. n sleep v early sia...

yy, lalaleen, eileen @ 9:16 PM

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